When are different Strings equal?

By Greg 2 comments

When working on the First Responder Kit recently, I needed to compare two strings and came across a bit of an oddity on how SQL compares strings. Let’s check it out.

First, put the following stored proc in to your database:

	@String1ToCheck NVARCHAR(10), 
	@String2ToCheck NVARCHAR(10)
) AS
	IF @String1ToCheck = @String2ToCheck
		SELECT @String1ToCheck, @String2ToCheck, 'Yes'
		SELECT @String1ToCheck, @String2ToCheck,'No'

Pretty simple, we’re going to take 2 strings in, compare them together. If they’re the same then we’ll have the word “Yes”, if they’re different, then we’ll have the word “No” come back.

So let’s play a game, what will the output be if I pass in the following? I’ve included my guesses

EXEC AreStringsTheSame N'Greg', N'Greg'	--Yes
EXEC AreStringsTheSame N'Greg', N'Dodd'	--No
EXEC AreStringsTheSame N'', N''		--Yes
EXEC AreStringsTheSame N' ', N' '	--Yes
EXEC AreStringsTheSame N' ', N''	--No
EXEC AreStringsTheSame N' Greg', 'Greg'	--No, leading space
EXEC AreStringsTheSame N'Greg ', 'Greg'	--No, trailing space

Did you lock in your guesses? Alright, let’s see how you did:

Ok, the first 4 are good, but what’s going on with the 5th result and the last result???

SQL Server somehow thinks that a single space is the same as an empty string. Is that a bug? Microsoft says no, it’s actually the ANSI/ISO Standard for SQL to ignore trailing spaces when comparing strings. It doesn’t matter if you have ANSI Padding turned on, or if you have VARCHAR or NVARCHAR or CHAR OR NCHAR fields, they all work the same.


Brent Ozar

Oct 10, 2020, 11:16 am

This behavior drives me crazy. Bonus points: create a database with a name of a space. Then try creating one with two spaces.


Oct 10, 2020, 11:55 am

The code I was working on was to try and get the restore script to work with a database named space. I hadn’t tried the double space, but that doesn’t surprise me.

I also discovered that you can put spaces at the end of any object as long as you put braces around it:
SELECT * FROM [master ].[sys ].[tables ]

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