Replicating Jobs Between SQL Instances – Linking Jobs and Schedules
This is part 6 of the Replicating Jobs series. In the previous steps I’ve covered how to setup for replication, how to copy categories, schedules and jobs, and now finally we need to link Jobs to Schedules.
After the last step of copying jobs, the linking jobs to schedules is pretty simple.
1. Setup
By now, this code is going to be looking pretty familiar:
IF 0 = (SELECT master.dbo.fCheckIfPrimary('PrimayReplicaName')) BEGIN DECLARE @PartnerServer sysname = 'PrimayReplicaName' DECLARE @Machine sysname DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) If CharIndex('', @PartnerServer) > 0 Begin Set @Machine = LEFT(@PartnerServer, CharIndex('', @PartnerServer) - 1); End Else Begin Set @Machine = @PartnerServer; End CREATE TABLE #JobSchedules ( Action varchar(7), local_job_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER null, current_schedule_id int null, job_name sysname null, primary_schedule_id int null ) END
2. Find
Find all of the job schedules on the primary server and the secondary server. Do a full join so we can add new schedules and delete old schedules.
SET @SQL = CAST(' ;WITH LocalJobSchedules AS ( select name, msdbLocalJobs.job_id, schedule_id from msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules msdbLocalSchedules INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs msdbLocalJobs ON msdbLocalJobs.job_id = msdbLocalSchedules.job_id ) ,PrimaryJobSchedules AS ( select name, msdbPrimaryJobs.job_id, schedule_id from ' + QUOTENAME(@Machine) + '.msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules msdbPrimarySchedules INNER JOIN ' + QUOTENAME(@Machine) + '.msdb.dbo.sysjobs msdbPrimaryJobs ON msdbPrimaryJobs.job_id = msdbPrimarySchedules.job_id ) SELECT CASE WHEN LocalJobSchedules.job_id IS NULL THEN ''INSERT'' WHEN PrimaryJobSchedules.job_id IS NULL THEN ''DELETE'' ELSE ''NOTHING'' END as Action ,LocalJobSchedules.Job_ID ,LocalJobSchedules.Schedule_ID as currentScheduleID ,PrimaryJobSchedules.Name ,PrimaryJobSchedules.Schedule_id as primaryScheduleID FROM LocalJobSchedules FULL JOIN PrimaryJobSchedules ON = AND LocalJobSchedules.schedule_id = PrimaryJobSchedules.schedule_id ' AS varchar(MAX)) INSERT INTO #JobSchedules EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @SQL
3. Copy
This time instead of copying from one to the other we just need to attach or detach jobs from their schedules. The code is pretty simple:
DECLARE @Job_Name sysname, @local_job_id uniqueidentifier, @current_schedule_id int, @primary_schedule_id int, @Action varchar(6) DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT local_job_id, job_name, current_schedule_id, primary_schedule_id, Action FROM #JobSchedules WHERE Action <> 'NOTHING' OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @local_job_id, @Job_Name, @current_schedule_id, @primary_schedule_id, @action WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN if @Action = 'INSERT' BEGIN EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_attach_schedule @Job_Name = @Job_Name,@schedule_id=@primary_schedule_id END if @Action = 'DELETE' BEGIN EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_detach_schedule @job_id = @local_job_id, @schedule_id = @current_schedule_id END FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @local_job_id, @Job_Name, @current_schedule_id, @primary_schedule_id, @action END CLOSE db_cursor DEALLOCATE db_cursor
That’s it. All jobs and schedules have now been copied from the primary to the secondary, and all jobs on the secondary have the same schedule as the primary.
One thing I’ve noticed when doing this step is that I’m joining on schedule id instead of on schedule name. This is going to be a potential problem and will probably need revisiting at some point. Similarly, the step that replicates schedules will need to look at names instead of ids.
This pretty much wraps up the copy job. There is one more post coming with an optional step to disable jobs that you don’t want running on the secondary.